Dip Glazers
1. Dip Glazer: Immersion Glazing by means of submerging the product into chilled water by the means of a conveyor system. The Dip Glazing System is available in single or multiple dip solution.
2. Belt Glazer: The frozen product is sprayed with chilled water on both sides. The 2 x 3 (3 Nozzle on each pipe) nozzle zones can easily be adjusted individually and the unit has a control valve, which maintains full control of water supply pressure making it easy to achieve the required glazing percentage.
3. Vibrating Glazer: The frozen product is sprayed with chilled water on both sides. A uniform coating is achieved due to the vibrations.
4. Double Dip Glazer: The conveyor brings the product gently to the first glaze basin, where the products will pick up the initial glaze. Products then incline upwards out of the glaze basin for a brief equalizing period before entering the second glaze basin for the second glaze pick up the process. This process ensures that the products have collected the maximum amount of glaze possible.
5. Tray Glazer: The frozen product in “tray” is sprayed with chilled water from the top.